Cubic Transportation Systems FEnX station ticket gate

TICKETING: Cubic Transportation Systems launched its FEnX station ticket gate at the Transport Ticketing Global trade fair in London, saying it had combined the latest technology with user-centric design to reduce fare evasion, enhance the passenger experience and optimise efficiency.

An overhead camera and the Fare Loss Avoidance Reporting Engine software combine computer vision and machine learning to detect fare evasion attempts as they happen, alerting staff and logging what has happened. FLARE is able to distinguish between fare dodgers and legitimate activities, such as a parent accompanying a child through the gate or someone with a large bag.

Cubic Transportation Systems FEnX station ticket gate

It correctly identified Railway Gazette International’s attempts to loiter suspiciously, push through the paddles, or tailgate CTC’s Chief Ventures Officer Ellory Monks through the gate.

The gate can also recognise when a passenger needs extra time, remaining open as required.

The incident logs provide transport agencies with actionable insights to help pinpoint fare evasion hotspots and develop better informed enforcement strategies. FLARE does not capture any personally identifiable information or biometric data.

Ultra-wideband technology can detect a ticket in a passenger’s pocket and open the gate, enabling touch-free easy access for people with reduced mobility, luggage or a pushchair.

The gate has remote monitoring and configuration capabilities, enabling operators to update settings, sounds and messaging in real time without the need to visit the gate to deploy software changes.

Cubic Transportation Systems FEnX station ticket gate

It is assembled entirely from off-the-shelf components for cost-effective maintenance and long-term reliability. The motor can be replaced in less than 5 min.

The API-forward architecture supports integration with third-party systems, with small displays able to show information or commercial advertising which is simple to manage.

1 FEnX Clear Front Right Angle

‘We’ve listened to transit agencies worldwide and created an end-to-end solution that addresses current needs and anticipates opportunities for the future’, said CTC President Peter Montgomery-Torrellas.